Sunday, January 8, 2012

New year, New me

So as the new year is here. I have a lot of resolutions. I have never put them really down on paper or the web because I have felt there very personal. But this year I think if I do it will be more of an incentive for me to keep up with them. So with that said here goes resolution number 1: be more healthy not necessarily loose weight. Not that I wouldn't but just be all a round healthier. I found a sight today thro a friend on facebook that does a 10 day juice fast. With Sweet Pea being type one diabetic I know it would be better for all of us to eat less processed food and more veggies. Not that we don't as is. I try to include veggies in every single meal. But I think a juice fast to detox and reboot my body would be a good thing. Now I'm still breast feeding ( I'm a big believer in it). So I cant start this right away. But its on the burner simmering for later. Resolution number 2: Divorce it needs to be done and done. Resolution 3: Money and lots of it. I am embarking on a business adventure. Where I will be selling my crafts. I have a wonderful neighbor who is helping me get this ball rolling and is extremely supportive of this. Resolution 4: Move. I want out of this crappy little apartment. I want to move back to the town I just moved from. I am very unhappy where I am and that's never good. Well that is just a few. I don't know how I will get them all done but maybe this will be a reminder of them and I will have more initiative. ttfn

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