Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bow crazyness

Ok since my last post I have been really going bow crazy!! I have been making bows so fast I cant hardly see straight but it has been so fun. First came the Duck tape bows yeah you herd me real duck tape! then came the fairy's the princesses dora and whooosh like a tidal wave there going nuts from there so hears the pix and check me out on facebook under  and etsy under ttfn

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New year, New me

So as the new year is here. I have a lot of resolutions. I have never put them really down on paper or the web because I have felt there very personal. But this year I think if I do it will be more of an incentive for me to keep up with them. So with that said here goes resolution number 1: be more healthy not necessarily loose weight. Not that I wouldn't but just be all a round healthier. I found a sight today thro a friend on facebook that does a 10 day juice fast. With Sweet Pea being type one diabetic I know it would be better for all of us to eat less processed food and more veggies. Not that we don't as is. I try to include veggies in every single meal. But I think a juice fast to detox and reboot my body would be a good thing. Now I'm still breast feeding ( I'm a big believer in it). So I cant start this right away. But its on the burner simmering for later. Resolution number 2: Divorce it needs to be done and done. Resolution 3: Money and lots of it. I am embarking on a business adventure. Where I will be selling my crafts. I have a wonderful neighbor who is helping me get this ball rolling and is extremely supportive of this. Resolution 4: Move. I want out of this crappy little apartment. I want to move back to the town I just moved from. I am very unhappy where I am and that's never good. Well that is just a few. I don't know how I will get them all done but maybe this will be a reminder of them and I will have more initiative. ttfn

over and out

Wowie wow wow how time has flown. christmas and new years is over and 2012 is in full swing. lots of crafts to post and im hoping to go to a craft fair at the end of april to sell bows and crafts so heres hoping i can truly make a go of it. On a personal touch the boys now both have glasses and cody was diagnosed with add and mild adhd so he has started meds lets hope it helps!! ttfn