Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Love all the newbies.

Lol I'm really enjoying making these now. So I had to share another found at

Thursday, May 10, 2012

So its tomorrow. Wait. What? Why tomorrow?!?

So I was just told my craft show is tomorrow and not sat. It doesn't make a lot of seance but I've never done a show like this. Its in a church in Fruita. So i'm just crossing my fingers and not expecting much.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


There will be seriously unwanted people around me soon. Im just trying to concentrate and work.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Well my last show went well but I didn't make the amount of $ I was hoping for. I think my sights are just to high. I have another this weekend and i'm trying not to get my hopes up but its difficult. Plus I have a personal issue that is coming up again and its taking a lot of focus. I'm sure glad I have my mister mister and he is a good reliable man! that is all :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Been sick check in

Just a quick thing to say hello I and the fam have been sick. So no work but were alive.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


So I went to our show on Friday and Saturday. It was a huge disappointment it was poorly advertised. I did my part having my dj friend mention it on the radio. We had little traffic and didn't even break even after all our costs. I am not letting it get me down tho. I have another show coming up on Saturday and I will go to that and rock it out! We looked good though. And I know it failed through no fault of mine. Heres a snap of us.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The roller coaster of stress

So I thought that I was going to have a show today. I have been running like mad! bowing and everything. Come to find out they cancel it on me due to lack of other vendor entry's. Ughh now you tell me. Well I guess I'll be ok but I still have a show on the 27-28th of this month with Boos birthday tomorrow and my parents coming for my car. Its gunna be a crazy week! Oh look what I did! I think she came out stinking cute as always find more at web sight coming soon

Monday, April 16, 2012

missed a few days

So I have been trying to blog daily but I missed a few days. We went out of town so mr mr could see about a job. and the ex is in town. I continue to bow and made over 50 bows in about 24 hrs. Along with that and the fact that I'm fixing to do a big craft fair i'm hoping to bring a lot of $ lol wish me luck

Thursday, April 12, 2012

21 bow solute

Yeeee haw I made 21 bows last night in about 4 1/2 hrs. Wheeew crazyness! I'm excited tho I have taught my self how to do a 5 loop bow and I think it looks much better! And the bows I did last night 14 of them are for summer so its just like adding to my stock!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


My poor neglected little blog! I will try harder to post every day. Today I plan on making Monster high and camo bows for sale and I shall post them as soon as I get them done. That is if little one mr mr and everyone else lets me do it. Was supposed to take mr mr job hunting and the ex had other plans. Oh well hi ho hi ho off to bow I go LOL

Monday, April 9, 2012


Well I finally got my bows in a store. An actual store! I am super excited. I am beginning to get swamped with bow orders and i'm happy about it. I just hope i'm capable of keeping up with it all, and that it will continue making money. I have done a few shows and am hoping I can do more this summer. It will be a lot of work but I think physically I am capable of doing it just mentally changeling will be the hardest part. I am also looking at the fact that it will be hard on my family and I am not liking that part! My Easter bows came out cute tho here's a pic of them.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Spring photoshoot

I'm so excited we just did our spring photoshot for my bows and they came out so freaking cute. Here is a sample. Please check out the sight to see more.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So bow happy

So I have brought two new ladys on to the facebook sight and there both doing wonderful. I just had to shair pix :)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

So excited!

I'm so excited. I just finished a bunch of tulle bows and I think they came out super pretty!

Monday, February 27, 2012


Well my bow biz has grown so much that I've had to take on another helper. She is just as passionate about bows as I am. I'm happy to have her help. I haven't gotten any orders from my etsy sight it has been a big disappointment. I'm hoping with her help I will grow bigger. She will be taking care of my web sights and that will free up more of my time so that I can crank out more bows.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bow crazyness

Ok since my last post I have been really going bow crazy!! I have been making bows so fast I cant hardly see straight but it has been so fun. First came the Duck tape bows yeah you herd me real duck tape! then came the fairy's the princesses dora and whooosh like a tidal wave there going nuts from there so hears the pix and check me out on facebook under  and etsy under ttfn

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New year, New me

So as the new year is here. I have a lot of resolutions. I have never put them really down on paper or the web because I have felt there very personal. But this year I think if I do it will be more of an incentive for me to keep up with them. So with that said here goes resolution number 1: be more healthy not necessarily loose weight. Not that I wouldn't but just be all a round healthier. I found a sight today thro a friend on facebook that does a 10 day juice fast. With Sweet Pea being type one diabetic I know it would be better for all of us to eat less processed food and more veggies. Not that we don't as is. I try to include veggies in every single meal. But I think a juice fast to detox and reboot my body would be a good thing. Now I'm still breast feeding ( I'm a big believer in it). So I cant start this right away. But its on the burner simmering for later. Resolution number 2: Divorce it needs to be done and done. Resolution 3: Money and lots of it. I am embarking on a business adventure. Where I will be selling my crafts. I have a wonderful neighbor who is helping me get this ball rolling and is extremely supportive of this. Resolution 4: Move. I want out of this crappy little apartment. I want to move back to the town I just moved from. I am very unhappy where I am and that's never good. Well that is just a few. I don't know how I will get them all done but maybe this will be a reminder of them and I will have more initiative. ttfn

over and out

Wowie wow wow how time has flown. christmas and new years is over and 2012 is in full swing. lots of crafts to post and im hoping to go to a craft fair at the end of april to sell bows and crafts so heres hoping i can truly make a go of it. On a personal touch the boys now both have glasses and cody was diagnosed with add and mild adhd so he has started meds lets hope it helps!! ttfn