Wednesday, November 30, 2011

my baby bows i love love love the bows. lol the boys think ive gone bow crazy! but i just cant get enough of them. There so simple to make and im going to try to get an etsy account to sell them there not doing very good on my fb. I also think I need to make a tutorial on how to do them.

baby high tops

This is a pair of baby booties i made using a utube video. Im just a beginning crocheter. But I think they came out really super cute.

Lets begin

So right from the start i'm gunna say im bad at spelling and grammer but thats just me. I wont go in to great detail about where im from it would be to long. I am a stay at home mom with 3 wonderful children 2 boys  and my new baby girl from his, his, mine and ours, I have total of 8. I love them all. I went thro 10 years of marriage with one man and it didnt work (I wont go in to details) and am now with what I consider the most wonderful man in the world my mr mr.  My kids and him are my whole world. We have 2 little dogs and a pet turtle but all and all I keep busy. My oldest son has type one diabetes and my youngest son is A.D.D. with the baby being only 4 months. lol yeah my hands are full and on some days I wanna scream but all in all its good.